Im always trawling madeit and etsy but I rarely get around to posting about what I find...
So here are a few things im loving on madeit today :)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
what we did yesterday...
Its always a bit hard trying to find things to keep William busy and quiet :) almost impossible to keep him quiet really - he is only 2.5!! but with a sleeping baby and a small house I have been finding myself getting a bit cross when he goes yelling and screaming down the hallway resulting in Scarlett waking after only 20mins.. sigh
So yesterday morning we decorated some old formula tins and glass jars, and then in the afternoon took a trip to Bunnings to buy some tomato plants to plant in the tins (the glass jars are for candles :)
Here is the result of our hardwork - William was more interested in the gluing than the sticking so he glued and I stuck :)
Here is the result of our hardwork - William was more interested in the gluing than the sticking so he glued and I stuck :)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
finding the time..
I have finally got Scarlett into some kind of a routine and with that comes ... time.. :) time to do things with William and time to do things for myself - yay!
So have been looking through pages and pages from blogs and various craft sites looking for inspiration.... Also came across some great activities to do with William..
First the activities: (I did these with William this morning - very simple but such fun)
1. turn a huggies box into a car - he was entertained for ages, pulling big ted around the backyard..
2. cut pictures out of magazines and get them to glue to a big piece of butchers paper and then go back over each picture talking about it and writing its name under it - William had a pen too and would also 'write' the words..
3. get lots of different plastic bowls, cups etc and a few different types of dry pasta and see what they come up with - lots of fun..
After all this it was time for an early lunch of chicken and salad wraps and then off for a nap...
For Williams last birthday I had wanted to make him a teepee but never found the time or energy (i was 8 months pregnant)... So now that the cooler weather is coming I thought I might just make him one for those raining inside days.. and found this pattern from Clementine's Shoes.
So while he is at daycare tomorrow I might go and get the canvas fabric and get started :)
Once I make the teepee im planning on starting to make Scarlett a quilt for when she goes into her big bed - i know that will be awhile away but I started one for William at around the same age and it did take me awhile (and I have been collecting some gorgeous red fabrics since we knew she was coming)... Also in between all of this I am going to start crocheting again (inspired from Mara from Piquant Jewellery and Pip from Meet Me at Mikes :) just need to get all my stuff from mum and dads house..
So much to do so little time :)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
mum's made...

The other day my mum came over with a big bag full of my old clothes that she had made for me and kept in her big 'kist' .. bought all the way from Africa and saved for almost 30years - very special! Looking through them brought back some lovely memories :)

Mum had brought them over so that I could see if my old christening gown would fit Scarlett, as we had her Baptism on Sunday. It didnt fit but the above dress did and although it wasnt your traditional gown it was just lovely and perfect for a 32C day! :)
Candice x
Hi.. :)
Well I laughed after re-reading my last post because that very night my waters broke and my baby girl arrived the next afternoon on 31st December - guess we will be having lots of NYE parties at our house from now on :)
So, yes.. our beautiful girl decided to arrive on NYE and we bought the new year in together watching late night TV, feeding and trying to sleep :)
So since then I have not been doing much in the way of blog posting, crafting or sewing but it has been nice to have a bit of a break and enjoy this special time with my baby girl and her big brother... It is also a bit overwhelming having a new baby, that and trying to cope with 2 kids is a very big eye-opener for me :)
I will hopefully be getting back into the swing of things soon as I am itching to make something!!
Candice x
Thursday, December 30, 2010
waiting for baby
Well I am now 38 weeks pregnant and playing the waiting game....
On Christmas Eve I called my husband, who had been to church with his mum, to let him know that I was having contractions that were more painful than I had previously felt, accompanied with back and period type pain.. so I thought that we should go in and get it checked out as I am going for a VBAC this time around and have been told to call should anything worry me...
Well things had started but not enough to keep me there so we went home but came back in on Boxing Day due to bleeding and was told to come in again in 2 days for a checkup...
All is good now, still having braxton hicks and slight bleeding but feel fine and am now just waiting it out in the heat...
Went to the shops yesterday and really struggled with walking around as baby is engaged and putting alot of pressure on my pelvic region :)
Off to the OB in a couple of hours, was feeling like the baby would be coming soon but now not so sure. Definitely want to make it past NYE so am resting up lots...
Other than that I need to get onto promoting my stuff and getting it all online. Also need to think about what markets I want to do next year..
Hope you all had a good Christmas and have a happy New Year..
On Christmas Eve I called my husband, who had been to church with his mum, to let him know that I was having contractions that were more painful than I had previously felt, accompanied with back and period type pain.. so I thought that we should go in and get it checked out as I am going for a VBAC this time around and have been told to call should anything worry me...
Well things had started but not enough to keep me there so we went home but came back in on Boxing Day due to bleeding and was told to come in again in 2 days for a checkup...
All is good now, still having braxton hicks and slight bleeding but feel fine and am now just waiting it out in the heat...
Went to the shops yesterday and really struggled with walking around as baby is engaged and putting alot of pressure on my pelvic region :)
Off to the OB in a couple of hours, was feeling like the baby would be coming soon but now not so sure. Definitely want to make it past NYE so am resting up lots...
Other than that I need to get onto promoting my stuff and getting it all online. Also need to think about what markets I want to do next year..
Hope you all had a good Christmas and have a happy New Year..
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